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Femmentje DuBois

Maiden Name
Biographical Information

HISTORY OF OLD TENNENT CHURCH, NEW JERSEY; Benjamin and Phoebe had 10 children: Joseph July 9, 1797-Aug. 27, 1798; Franscyntie June 6, 1769-married Dec 4, 1787 to Teunis G. VanDerveer born 1757; Margaret (our line) born April 13, 1771; Teunis DeNise born Feb 23, 1773; Sophia born Nove 12, 1775; Daniel born Feb 23, 1778; Benjamin born March 4, 1780 Catherine born March 8, 1782; Elizabeth born March 3, 1785; Mary born Jan 14, 1790 married George Conover and had one son John born Oct 14, 1820.

Benjamin and Phoebe also raised a grandson, Benjamin Isaac DuBois when his father died. Five of their children moved to Franklin, Ohio. They sent a letter to New Jersey which said "We are satisfied. We have found homes. Come and help us make this valley the garden spot of the world". Several letters are among our collection, written in 1826 and 1839 from Benjamin and Phoebe to the family at Franklin, Ohio.

Benjamin was called the fighting preacher and is listed in the history books during the Revolutionary War. Pension # S12816. Minister of the Freehold Presbyterian Church (Freehold, New Jersey) from 1764 to 1827 = 63 years, the Dutch Reformed Church. Also found listed as Marlboro, New Jersey Church.
They are buried in above the ground vaults just outside the church door.

Their son Daniel kept a diary of their trip beginning April 30, 1804 as they moved to Ohio." Philadelphia, Lancaster, Elizabethtown - staying with friends. Tried sleeping in wagon, Elizabeth was too afraid. Afterward always stayed in homes. Reached mountains on May 5th. Sunday spent all day at the tavern (Inn). Crossing Ohio following route by Chillicothe, the capitol of Ohio (it was then). May 16 reached Little Miami River. May 17 started up Little Miami to Franklin, Ohio, approximately 19 miles then to Art Vanderveer's 2 miles. 18 days averaged 40 miles per day."
Name: Phemertje Or Phebe Denise
Gender: Female
Marriage Date: 1800
Marriage Place: Newkirk, New Jersey, USA
Father: Teunis Anthony Denise
Mother: Francyntje (Frances) Hendrickson Denise
Spouse: Benjamin Du Bois
Film Number: 001543470

father I
Name: Teunis Denyse
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 15 jun 1704
Birth Place: The Narrows, Long Island, Queens County, New York
Death Date: 10 dec 1797
Death Age: 93
Father: Denys Nye Nyssen Denyse
Mother: Helena Cortelyou
Spouse: Catherine Tryntje van Dyck
Francyntje Hendricks
Rachel Garretse Schenck
Children: Femmetje Denyse
Daniel Tunissen Denyse
Maria Tunissen Denyse
Elinor Denyse
Catherine Tryntje Denyse
Jannetje Denyse
Van Nyse Denyse
Helena Denyse

Freehold October 13, 1825

Dear Children,

What I write is but the ____________of love to you all without the least dispairagement to any, but permit me to direct a few words to my berieved Sophia in a forrain land berieved of her temporary husband.

Dear Sophia is not your maker your husband who will never leave nor forsake you, the invincible church he calls by the endearing name of His spouse and every individual member is so dear to him, he will not leave one of them, they are wholely and individually given him, and he says to His Father of those - thou hast given me I have lost none, and it is his meditorial prayer. Father I will that those thou light given me be with me, where I am that they may behold my glory. Oh glorious light, Oh blessed above we shall be near and like our God.
Dear Sophia and Dear Children all, I pray that this may be the happy lot of us all, we have our home at present with Teuns and Sally, are but feable, but much as commen, are happy we are not left to wander as vagabonds in a strange land but are happy to be with our children and are comfortably provided for. Heard today from Davids all well and Betsy Smock is better in health that she has been in times past. All finds well as fare as we know. Children and grandchildren let us hear from you by letter as often as convenient, farewell. We remain your loving parents.

B & P DuBois
(Benjamin & Phoebe)
Written by Reverend Benjamin DuBois
to Sophia Conover
Marlborough Monmouth Co.. New Jersey
June 26, 1836

My Dear Grandaughter,
Your aged grand mother to you and all her descendants in Ohio this epistle sends the greeting Whereas: it is desired by you that I should give you the number of my descendants in New Jersey now. Therefore learn that of my ten children only three are living in this place. Joseph has left of four only 1 with us. Tunis 9, Catherine 12, Elizabeth 7 so that there are now living 67 which added to the 132 in Ohio make 199. A numerous offspring leaving just room for me to make even hundreds. Your grandfather had six brothers and two sisters, I had 2 brothers and 6 sisters. They are all dead and I alone am left to speak of their departure. On the 11 of August next I will have numbered my 93rd year; my totering footsteps can scarce sustain their load. My eyes are dim with age and all my senses fail. But my feelings still remain the same and my mind holds its accustomed frame. I cannot notice things as well as I used to but otherwise I cannot perceive much difference, I am told that my faculties are preserved remarkedly well. My children here are in prosperous circumstances. They live in the fat of the land. Their children are mostly doing well. They are respectable and respected in society. Their education is good. Their manners aggreeable. Their habits industrial, frugal, temperate. Their principles virtuous. They have been brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It is a great comfort to me to consider all this and also to hear that all do well on Ohio too. That there are no bad practices among you, that you love one another, that you bond of union is virtue. O that this may continue when my head is laid low. That harmony may_____________ its peace and domestic happiness smile upon you all and remember that though widely separated now we shall once more meet to part no more. Meet in the arms of the Redemeer. Meet in the __ of _________. Meet in the city of our God, The heavenly Jerusalem. Then no age nor pain, care, or anguish nor aught shall disturb our peacefull rest. Then perfect joy shall be ours. While immortality endures. O what a solace would it be in my dying hours to be assured that I according to the course of nature only went before you to ___ of blessednes. That in due time you all would follow and arrive at the same happy Heaven and no one of the whole number cast out and lost forever. This cheers me in Life's last momments and soften the pain of death. That our heavenly circle may be completed at last in Immanuels land is the closing wish and prayers of your aged and affectionate
Grandmother to her
Grand Daughters
Phoebe DuBois

To Elizabeth Conover

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Date of Death
Place of Death
Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

Family Tree

No information currently available.