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Hellin de Franchimont

Biographical Information

HELLIN de FRANCHIMONT [1225] comte and mar­quis de Franchimont. He married: Agnes the daughter of Othon 1st or Otho due de Baviere (duke of Bavaria) & comte Palatine [she founded the monastery or convent of Saint Agnes]. See the Royal Chart of Lannoy and charts A C & D,
they had Hellin II. Agnes m. Hellin I (abt. 1245) ? born after 1229 daughter of Othon due de Bavaria m. Agnes (about 1225 ? or later) daughter of Henry VI m. Agnes in 1193 A.D.

Othon: was the son of Louys I, made duke of Bavaria in 1215 by the Emp. Fred. II He married: Agnes dau. of Henry VI. due de Saxe & de Bavaria & his wife Agnes comtesse palatine dv Rhin [dau. of Conrad comte palatineof the Rhine & duke of Swabia 1156 of the Hohenstaufen line] see Royal chart Hohenstaufen Armes: Arg. sometimes or, 3 lions leopardes gu. in pale.

Hen. VI was the son of Hen. V the Lion & Matilda of England see charts. Armes of Othon Ir duke of Bavaria: Bore: Losange en bande d'azur & d'argent of 21 pieces. Armes of duchy of Saxony Burele of sable & or, 10 pieces :a crance­lin (wreath or crown) sinople posed in bande, over all. Note fr.
Ency. Brit.Vol XVIIIp. 166. In1156
the Palatinate (Pfalz) was
granted by the Emperor Frederick Ito his step-brother duke
Conrad de Swabia who was succeeded by his son-in-law
Henry due de Brunswick "(father of Agnes) (son of Henry the lion): In
1215 A.D.Frederick IIthe Emperor punished Henry for opposing
him, by granting the Palatinate & duchy to Louis or Louys Idue
de Bavaria whose son (Otho) Agnes m. Otho II(orIof this line).
In1256 their heirs were Louis II&Henry.
[Vredius Table IVp. 115] •*nes, Comtesse Palatine dv Rhin. Otho, Due de Baviere, liraeus, dessus, fol. 114. Chronica Augustensis :Henricus, iriae ab Imp. ejicitur: Otto, Palatinus Comes de Scyramei
27 subjicitur vel substituitur. Ad. anno 1180. Henricus, Dux Sax­
oniae privatur Docatu Bavariae & ci Conies de Scheuren substi­
tuitur, gui duravit annos quatuor &obiit Ad ann 1
177. Reuf nerus,
fol 480: Henricus Junior &c, ex Palatina tulit Henricum ante
parentem defunctum &c. Irmgarden consortem Hermanni,
Marchionis Badeni; Agnetem nuptam
Othoni, Duci Bajoriae, gui socero, in Palatinatu Rheni & Electoratu successit. Agnes, Du­
cissa Bavariae, idus Aprilis peperit filium, quivocatus est Ludovi­
cus. Ad anno 1229. Anno 1240 Otho, Dux Bavariae, mittens
Ludovicum filiumsuum, cum exercitu; ad terram illam, sibi civita­
tos Linz &Anasum, cum magna parte illiusprovinciae subjugavit." [1]

[1] Delano, Joel Andrew. The genealogy, history, and alliances of the American house of Delano, -1899. ed by Delano De Lannoy, Mortimer [New York: s.n, 1960] pp. 27-28. Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Date of Birth
abt 1225
Date of Death

Family Tree