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Saint Arnulf of France

Biographical Information

Arnulf's wife (and mother of Duke Ansgise) was Dode (Clothilde); she became a nun at Treves in 612, the same year that Arnulf became Bishop of Metz. Arnulf and Dode were married about 596.{-Arnulf's ancestry is from Frederick L. Weis, "Ancestral Roots..."(1950); there are several alternate ancestries known (see notes, Chart 297H)} Arnulf was buried at Hadendum an der Mozel, and later at St. Arnulf's Church at Metz. He died at Horenberg Monastery, Wasenwald. The birth date shown here is approximate. [See also ID2589!] Arnulf was Mayor of the Palace and tutor of Dagobert, hence a courtier of high standing in the Austrasian palace. He decided to become a monk at Lerins; his wife took the vow and he was about to retire to the monastery when he wa made bishop, about 616. A few years before his death he resigned and retired to the monastery. His feast-day is July 18.

His feast day is July 18. He was formerly thought to belong to the family of Ansbertus, a Gallo-Roman Senator, but according to Kelley this has been disproved. It was apparently his wife who belonged to that family.

References: [AR7],[RFC]

Date of Birth
13 Aug 582
Place of Birth
Heristal, Austrasia, France
Date of Death
16 Aug 640
Place of Death
Metz, France

Family Tree